The Empower Book Volume I

A comprehensive guide to InMode's cutting-edge technologies for Women's Health. It covers essential topics such as basic science, anatomy, and in-d…

The Envision Book

A comprehensive guide to dry eye syndrome treatment with an energy-based device to deliver precision ocular treatments with multiple programmable m…

The Exodus Book

Join Dr. Stephen Mulholland & Dr. Talon Maningas on a rewarding journey from Managed Care to building a Private Pay Practice with The Exodus Bo…

The Basic Science Book

The Basic Science of Optical, Electrical, Ultrasound, Chemical, Injectable, And Radiofrequency Energy in Aesthetic Medicine

The Injectable Facial Shaping Book

The best basic and advanced Botox and Filler injection techniques. Includes Suture Suspension Facelift, Botox, and Voluma for darker complexions.

The Boomerang Book

Your comprehensive guide to practice management and marketing in the digital era!